Tuesday, December 26, 2006

My first little post...

Listening to: "Over The Sky" by Kuroishi Hitomi


Wow, this is meant to be exciting.

A few more minutes and I will be heading to bed. I've passed all this time reading and watching anime. Talk about a life...But that's the thing, isn't it? It is my life and anime/manga have been a great part of my life. Nothing beats a great series and/or a splendid animated film to boost my imagination. Everytime I watch, there's something that absolutely captivates my attention. I don't pause, I don't rewind or fast forward. It's a complete movie experience for me and putting it off even for a couple of minutes comes close to a sacrilege to me.

And often enough, my mind race at knowing I, too, am writing my own little world. What I work on might be scarier than anything seen in animated films but on the side, I keep on adding a little bit more to my dream animation series. It might never be sold since getting into the Japanese Animation Community is nearly close to impossible for a gai-jin (foreigner) like me but I will keep on dreaming and writing.

For the Holidays, I've got "Last Exile", a serie made by Gonzo, one of my favorite anime production house, and watched the 26 episodes in 2 sessions (at night and in the morning when I woke up). It was even better than "Samurai 7" (the animated series, not the original Kurosawa's masterpiece) I caught last Winter. Nicely drawn with a certain excess at times in terms of computer gfx, the series had enough battle scenes and story to make me switch discs. It's with a sad smile I watched the last episode and at the very end of "Last Exile", the little sentence that read "See you in the sky one day" made me a bit sappy.

I've also added Howl's moving Castle to my Miyazaki-san's collection. I don't even know why I waited so long to add this to my collection but hey, it's now proudly stacked away. Sweet story and Ghibli studio did not disappoint, the animation is again; superb.

Many thanks again to Miyazaki-san for keeping up the great standard shown over the years.

Well, that's it for now. Got to go catch some Zzzz...